The Finishing Touches

· This animation will be based on a Chinese folktale about dragons called The Finishing Touches (画 龙点睛. The direct translation is Drawing the Dragon and dotting the eyes), and it is also an idiom that Chinese people will use in their daily lives. Here is the story:

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties Period (420-589), there was a Chinese painter called Zhang Sengyao. Once, he visited a temple and painted four dragons on the wall, but he gave none of them eyes. Onlookers Thought this odd and asked why he hadn't painted in the eyes. He answered: "Eyes are crucial for dragons. With the eyes painted in, the dragons would fly away." Nobody believed this, so Zhang Sengyao took up his brush and added eyes to two of the dragons. No sooner had he finished than the two dragons flew into the sky amid a thunderstorm. The two without eyes remained paintings on the wall. This idiom is used to describe how, when painting, writing, or speaking, the addition of just one or two key brushstrokes, sentences, words, or phrases could enhance the content.

Fish Tank

After completing all the animations, I realized that due to the size of the canvas, many subtle changes couldn't be seen well. So, I made a short showcase video using Adobe Premiere Pro, adding some cut senses according to the content I wanted to present. For example, screen glitches and a breathing-like undulation.

Game prototype using Figma

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How can we survive in a Black Hole?

- Scientific GIFs for children